CLEARWATER RESORT 2017-06-21T11:29:53+12:00

Project Description


Project manager:

Iain Haycock


Clearwater Resort Christchurch

Equipment used:

Rig 393: Power Probe VTR9700

Objective: To gain an understanding of the lithological profile and soil engineering parameters for ground modelling.

Post the February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake McMillan Drilling were engaged by Coffey Geotechnical to provide geotechnical drilling investigation services around the Hotel and Golf Club facilities at Clearwater Resort, Christchurch. The project was completed in 2 separate stages to ensure minimal disruption to the New Zealand PGA Golf Tournament that was held concurrently.
To gain an understanding of the lithological profile and soil engineering parameters for ground modelling the investigation required 15 tests to be positioned along multiple cross sections on the lake front. This required holes to be drilled both on land and overwater.
Direct Push and integrated CPTu investigation methods were adopted and provided quality continuous intact soil samples and enabled CPT profiles to be conducted from surface and at depth within boreholes. The field work only required partial supervision by a geotechnical engineer therefore drilling personnel were required to maintain full records and periodic liaison to update the engineer on the findings.
To access the test locations over water a track mounted drill rig was positioned on a jack-up pontoon designed to be launched and withdrawn from land without assistance by crane. Positioning on each test location was provided with assistance by jet boat. This proved to be a safe, cost effective and efficient operation.