Water Supply Wells
We can often tell you ‘how deep’ and ‘how much’ in advance, using our extensive database of historic records. Not only are our clients reassured by such information, it also helps set realistic goals and minimises surprises.
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Geotechnical and Environmental site Investigation
Accurate, high-resolution data is essential to predicting and understanding the interaction between structures, soil and the environment. Our experienced team of engineers and geologists ensure test equipment is routinely calibrated and that site data is of the highest quality.
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Ground Source Heating
We have gained considerable experience in the development of this technology and are pleased to have been involved in the construction of several small scale (domestic) and some of the largest scale commercial systems currently in New Zealand.
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Special Projects
We thrive on challenges, no matter how unusual. With knowledge gained in a variety of conditions and having utmost regard to operating with integrity and sensitivity, we can tackle the full spectrum of special projects. So whatever you’ve got in mind, talk to us and we’ll help you achieve your goal.
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